Secure communications for the
world’s medical professionals


The secure transfer of timely information is critical for improving patient care

Healthcare is now global

The natural desire of every medical professional is to push the barriers of healthcare. Technology has to empower this, not inhibit it.

Every second counts

Healthcare professionals (HCPs) are unique and have to be free to decide on a daily basis how best to drive improvements in patient care.

What matters most?

HCPs have to interact and share insights without worrying about the integrity of the systems and people that they are working with.


The future of healthcare collaboration is in your hands

Patient-centred thinking

UNIQUEDOC has been built from the ground up to make possible the secure transfer of confidential information across global networks.

Progress through partnership

Our vision is to build partnerships that will drive life-changing collaborative software development across the medical industry.

Defining a generation

In this millennium, all medical professionals will be defined by the technology that they carry; not by the robes that they wear.


Three reasons to use UNIQUEDOC

1. Personal and medical verification
2. World-class user interface
3. State-of-the-art security